Let’s Make a Baby! (2022)

Let’s Make a Baby! includes video installation, clay figurines, animations, and prints. The various components function as different words in the same sentence: distinct yet adding to the broader meaning. Instead of providing one pre-selected perspective, the arrangement of the disparate pieces “opens up for many perspectives and leaves it up to the viewer to choose" (Anne Ring Petersen, 2015.) Depending on where you position yourself in the gallery, your point of view changes, allowing different inferences.

Installation Views | Video, Clay Figurines, and Inkjet Prints | Prints and Animations | Collage “Evidence Bags”

Let’s Make a Baby!
04:00 run time

The exhibition revolves around a 4-minute-long video of the same name, where my husband and I together fashion a baby out of clay to lay bare the loving care in our decision not to have biological children.

The video had three inspirations: the association between biological and mechanical reproduction, folklores and their adaptations, and a refusal to procreate as an act of loving care.